In February 2022 Andrew's response to a prompt on his dating App profile caught Rebecca's eye. “What’s a recent shower thought you had?” Andrew’s response: “I think the outfits that lawyers wear to court should be called law suits”
Always a sucker for corny jokes and a play on words, Rebecca messaged Andrew: “Did you really think of that in the shower?”
When Rebecca learned that Andrew enjoyed playing golf, she joked that she was an expert golfer because she’d been to Top Golf once. So, Andrew suggested they go together for their first date. Rebecca proposed meeting from 11am to 1pm (a busy time for weekend Top Golf). Since Rebecca was so specific about the time, Andrew presumed she made a reservation.
“Nice to meet you, thanks for making a reservation!”, Andrew said when they arrived.
“I didn’t make a reservation”, Rebecca replied.
That day Andrew learned that Rebecca is slightly less organized than she might appear, she’s always trying to fit everything in, and—when they finally got a golf bay—that she looks good trying to golf!
Despite looking slightly like a bro in his backwards hat, Rebecca immediately appreciated Andrew’s calm, go with the flow demeanor and killer calves.
Andrew and Rebecca quickly discovered that they both enjoyed watching basketball. They bonded over their love for “the Admiral” (David Robinson) who, to Rebecca, was the extremely tall very smiley father of a bench player at Duke who frequently went to games (with whom she once got a selfie!). To Andrew, he was the center (get it?) of his early San Antonio Spurs basketball fandom.
For their second date, Andrew and Rebecca agreed to watch back-to-back Duke / Spurs games on a Friday evening in the happening part of DC where Andrew lived. Before Rebecca left home, she got a message from Andrew: “Call me when you get here. I saved you a parking spot on the street in front of my building”.
Rebecca was both deeply touched and horrified at the same time: "that’s so thoughtful! Nobody’s ever saved me a parking spot! But I have to CALL HIM on the PHONE!?"
The excellent parking spot earned Andrew copious points and Rebecca showed up with ingredients to make her sister's famous jalapeño margaritas, which impressed Andrew.
Over the next years Andrew and Rebecca made many visits to San Antonio to spend time with Andrew’s family, the cows and toys at the ranch, and to watch the Spurs. It took Andrew just over a year to meet all the Marx siblings in person, meanwhile, he studied the note he made on his phone with the names of the nearly 40 siblings, in-laws, nieces & nephews he needed to learn. Along the way they had lots of fun trips and visits with family and friends spread all over the country.
At about 11pm on a Friday night in early December, 2024 Andrew told Rebecca that she needed to get home to get some sleep. "Tomorrow is a big day", he said. Andrew planned a hike around the Chesapeake Bay Environmental Center and couldn't wait to show Rebecca "the cool spot at the end of the hike". He wasn't subtle but he was certainly giddy! And so was Rebecca when, at the cool spot at the end with the sun setting, Andrew asked Rebecca if she'd marry him!
Andrew and Rebecca are so excited to go through life together cheering with and for each other. And they can’t wait to celebrate the start of this next chapter with friends and family like you!